• Ban1

    Drafting the Regional Plan of the Region of Epirus on Climate Change Adaptation

  • Banner2

    Εconomic and environmental protection against climate change impacts

  • Ban3

    Assessing VULNERABILITY across various economic sectors

Combining SWICCA’s climate change indicators with local data to provide state-of-the-art, climate change impact analysis and support adaptation for the water sector

Climate Change Adaptation Plan - Region of Epirus


As the effects of climate change become more and more evident, European countries have begun designing national strategies and implementing their respective national adaptation plans, with priority in the sectors of health, agriculture, water resources and sea level rise. As experience of the potential for adaptation to climate change grows, the difficulties of institutionalizing climate change adaptation are recognized.

According to the National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2016), one of the Strategy’s implementation steps is integrating the necessary actions into specialized regional action plans and road maps in specific economic sectors, based on regional needs and priorities.


Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CCAP) is an integrated plan that identifies and prioritizes the necessary measures and actions for the Region of Epirus adapting to climate change.

The main objectives of the project include:

  • A brief reference on the natural and man-made characteristics of the Region of Epirus
  • Presentation of the expected Climate Change in the Region and Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis for various Sectors and Geographical areas in the Region
  • Assessing short-term and long-term climate change impacts on various environmental sectors, economic and social activities and defining sectoral and territorial priorities
  • Proposing actions and measures for priority sectors and areas
  • Investigate the integration of the proposed measures and actions for climate change adaptation into existing policies of the Region and the synergy of the proposed measures with other programs and actions of the Region
  • Investigate Compatibility and Complementarity of CCAP with other Regional Plans
  • Identify and pursue synergies and transfer of know-how with CCAPs from other Regions and especially with the neighbouring Regions
  • Public consultation procedures
  • Reporting of specific awareness and information measures for the public and the social partners
  • Monitoring plan of the implementation of the CCAP


We make use of the most recent experiments producing pan-European Climate Projection Datasets to address regional scale, climate change impacts and plan adaptation strategies.

CCAP for the Region of Epirus, drafted by the Directorate of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Region of Epirus, is an integrated plan identifying and prioritizing the necessary adaptation measures and actions, compatible with the with the guidance and objectives of the National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change.

CCAP of Hpeiros was drafted by the Directorate of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Region of Epirus and funded by the European Regional Development Fund & National Funds.


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