Prime Water Project has kicked-off!

On the 5th and 6th of December 2019 in Athens, Greece we gladly hosted the Kick-Off Meeting of PrimeWater, a unique Research & Innovation project funded by Horizon 2020.

EMVIS is very proud for being part and coordinating an international consortium consisting of research institutions, worldwide organizations and end-users with strong experience and expertise in the water sector.

During the next three years, we will be joining our efforts to deliver robust EO products and cross-cutting operational services for hydrological and ecological forecasting in lakes and reservoirs. PrimeWater aspires to advance operational information services for predictive management of hydro-ecological hazards and will deploy its operational service-line in four full-scale case studies in EU, US and Australia.

Stay tuned!

"Prime Water - Delivering Advanced Predictive Tools from Medium to Seasonal Range for Water Dependent Industries Exploiting the Cross-Cutting Potential of Earth Observation and Hydro-Ecological Modelling"